
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
#8 - Building a Business by Growing a Team with Jason Schulz
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
There comes a time as a business owner when you realise you can't do it all on your own.
To talk about building a business by growing a team, Jason Schulz is here on the podcast today.
Jason Schulz has mastered the art of pushing the boundaries of what's possible and is a master of building landscape gardens that take your breath away.
As the owner of Yergan Landscape, Jason employs a small team in South Australia who are dedicated to executing the highest standards of craftmanship and construction.
Tune into episode 8 of You Could Start a Business, to discover Jason's secret to success at Yergan Landscape.
Visit Yergan Landscape's website here: https://yerganlandscape.com/
Visit The Seven Effect here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/
Join The Start-Up Club here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/the-start-up-club

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Imagine bringing together a group of like-minded people, who share the same values as you, who enjoy doing similar things to you, and who want the same things out of life as you. Today we're going to unpack how you can turn that into a membership-based business.
Join us with Carly Thompson Barry, the founder of SA Woman, who has a passion for connection and community in our state.
SA Woman is a membership-based organisation that connects, showcases and empowers women in business and careers across South Australia.
Listen to find out how Carly turned a small Facebook community into a business with over 900 members today.
Visit SA Woman's website here: https://www.sawoman.com.au/
Visit The Seven Effect here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/
Join The Start-Up Club here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/the-start-up-club

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
#6 - Building Your Brand on Social Media with Jade Philps
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Today we are wrestling a beast that can hold a lot of people back in business, that brings up fears, insecurities and concerns around judgement and perfectionism.
Join us with Jade Philps, a midwife turned photographer, and founder of Fable & Fig to talk about building your brand on social media.
Jade is a mum of two kids, and a business-owner, who LOVES the freedom of having a business, and thrives on her passion for photography.
Learn how Jade built her brand on social media from the ground up as she shares her story on how Fable and Fig came to be what it is today.
Visit Fable & Fig's website here: https://www.fableandfig.com.au/
Visit The Seven Effect here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/
Join The Start-Up Club here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/the-start-up-club

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
#5 - Bring Big Hairy Audacious Business Goals To Life With Eleanor Clausen
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Michelangelo once said, "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."
If you've ever been held back by the fear of failure or kept your business vision small to stay safe then it's time to meet Eleanor Clausen.
Eleanor is a Scottish Nurse who moved to Australia and set about on a mission to change the way we do health care and change management, not just in this country, but ultimately around the world.
Eleanor is the founder and CEO of The International Spine Centre, a world-first combination of specialists, collaborating and treating under one roof.
But it doesn't stop there, Eleanor is also working on the development of Carrington Collaborative a world-class holistic healthcare centre to be established in the Adelaide CBD.
Stretch your comfort zone and be inspired to think big in business as Eleanor shares her secrets to making the impossible possible in business.
Visit The International Spine Centre here: https://www.theinternationalspinecentre.com/
Visit The Seven Effect here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/
Join The Start-Up Club here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/the-start-up-club

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
#4 - Becoming The Go-To Expert In Your Niche - With Suzanne Ingleton
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
If you want rapid business growth and high-quality clients on tap, tune in, because you're about to learn how to get both.
Meet Suzanne Ingleton the Weight Lose Coach who's become famous for helping women get off the dieting merry-go-round and lose weight for good by letting go of their emotional baggage.
In less than 12 months Suzanne went from struggling start-up coach to 6-figure success by finally letting go of her need to try and help everyone.
Once Suzanne made the decision to become a high-value expert instead of a low-value allrounder her business exploded.
Niching down allowed Suzanne to dedicate herself to mastery and go all-in on creating one powerful life-changing program that gets results.
The phenomenal results Suzanne's clients achieve combined with her simple yet clever marketing systems have positioned her as the go-to expert who's fully booked months in advance.
Tune in to episode 4 of Your Could Start A Business Doing That to discover how Suzanne did it, and how you can do the same.
Follow Suzanne on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SAWeightLossHypnosis
Visit Suzanne's website: www.saweightlosshypnosis.com.au
Join The Star-Up Club: https://www.theseveneffect.com/the-start-up-club
Visit the Seven Effect: www.theseveneffect.com

Saturday Oct 30, 2021
#3 - How To Sell 5-Figure Offers With Susan Rusalen
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Met Susan Rusalen, a dental hygenist who decided to start a consulting business soon after her 50th birthday.
After 20 plus years in dental Sue had learned a thing or two so she decided to turn her talent for building dental practices into a consulting business called Talking Dental.
In her first 8 months Sue made over $80,000 and by her first year had easily cracked the $100K mark.
Now in her fourth year, she's on her way to seven figures.
The secret... five-figure offers!
If you've got a talent or strength you'd like to turn into a 6 or 7 figure coaching or consulting business then tune in.
You're about to learn how to scale to 6-figures and beyond by selling five-figure offers.
Find out more about Sue and her 7 figure hygiene system here: https://www.7figurehygiene.com/
Get your ticket to Freedom Fest here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/freedomfest
Work with The Seven Effect here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/

Friday Oct 01, 2021
#2 - Train Your Brain To Win In Business With Toni Everard
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Imagine having a brain that's programmed to win in business...
If you've ever been tripped up by limiting beliefs, felt like your own worst enemy, or you've bumped up against money blocks, this episode is for you.
Join me, Jodie Nevid as I interview Master NLP Trainer and Hypnotist Toni Everard.
Toni is one of the graduates of The Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Academy and now works as a coach inside the program to help our students win in business by breaking through the unconscious patterns that hold them back.
When Toni started out in business she felt held back by all sorts of limiting beliefs about business and money.
So, rather than let her fears keep her small and safe, Toni decided to step into a new identity.
Toni became The Master Trainer.
In this episode, Toni and I unpack the steps she took to start her business, how she made more money than she ever had before, and what it takes to create a mindset that makes doing all that feel easy and natural.
Open your mind and get ready to train your brain to win in business.
If, after listening to Toni's incredible story you think I want what she's having, reach out to Toni and discover how you can become the master of your own mind.
Toni's links:
Website: https://tonieverard.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tonieverardcoaching
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/toni_everard/
The Seven Effect links:
Website: https://www.theseveneffect.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the7effect
Free Group: The Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Academy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.seven.effect/

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
#1 - The Critical First Steps to Starting a Business
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Ever thought about starting a business but don't know where to begin?
Or what to do first?
Hi I’m Jodes,
A business coach turned lifestyle entrepreneur focused on the ragingly important things in life: family, friends, and the freedom to live life on my terms.
I've also been dubbed the ‘Fairy Godmother For Women in Business, it’s not like I'm claiming any magical powers exactly, however, the women I've worked with may beg to differ, because together we achieve their impossible goals in business... and in LIFE!
There certainly is something uncanny about the way our clients get results and transform their lives by building the business of their dreams.
In our first episode of You Could Start A Business Doing That, I'll walk you through the critical first steps of starting a business.
What to do first, what not to do, and I've even thrown in some free resources to make sure you kick off on the right foot.
I want you to build a business that allows you to do work you love, get paid what you're worth, and the kind of life you've always dreamed of.
Subscribe to the Podcast to meet and learn from a whole bunch of women (and men) who've done exactly that!
Grab the #1 tool coaches, consultants and start-ups use to crunch their numbers and plan for profit.
Use the code PODCAST to get it for FREE.
Want a business that breaks you free instead of burns you out?
Get your ticket to Freedom Fest, the three-day planning retreat that sets you up with a planning system that will have you earning more, working less and loving life.
Check out all the other cool stuff we do through the year and online to help you create a life you're wildly in love with and build a business that sets you free.